Headquarter Potsdam

Building WFBB
Economic Development Agency Brandenburg (WFBB)

Location: Babelsberger Straße 21
(directly opposite the main station)
14473 Potsdam

To plan your journey, you can activate the route planner by clicking on the arrow at the top right of the map.

Underground car park at Potsdam Central Station
For customers and business partners, sufficient free parking spaces are available in the underground car park at Potsdam Central Station (entrance via Babelsberger Str.) for a maximum stay period of five hours. Your parking ticket will be validated at the reception in the foyer after the customer appointment. Please still validate your parking ticket at the pay station before leaving the underground car park. If the parking time exceeds five hours, the difference must be paid at the pay station. 

Disabled parking spaces
Disabled parking spaces are available on the ILB grounds - entrance to the right of the buildings. Please ring the bell at the barrier and have your disabled badge ready.

Opposite the WFBB headquarter, in the parking lot of the B&B Hotel (Babelsberger Straße 24), there are 8 publicly accessible charging points with a charging capacity of 11 kW. To use the charging stations, simply ring the bell at the barrier and let reception know that you would like to use the e-charging stations. The staff will open the barrier for you. When you leave the parking lot, the barrier opens automatically. If the barrier bell does not work, you can contact reception by telephone on +49 331 - 626 440.

Train, tram or city train: 
Travel to ‘Potsdam Hauptbahnhof’. From there, take the north exit via the Bahnhofspassagen. 

Take tram lines 91, 92, 93, 96, 98, 99 to the stop ‘S Potsdam Hauptbahnhof’. Cross the station and then take the north exit. 

Travel to the stop ‘Potsdam Hauptbahnhof’. Cross the station and then take the north exit. 
With line 694, we recommend alighting at the stop ‘S Potsdam Hauptbahnhof Nord’.

Ansprechpartner Jeanette Brüggenkamp
Jeanette Brüggenkamp
Assistentin der Geschäftsführung
Steffi Schramm
Steffi Schramm
Assistentin der Geschäftsführung
Logo Energieagentur Brandenburg
Energieagentur Brandenburg
HAUPTBAHNHOF HAUPTBAHNHOF 1 1 1 2 2 Friedrich-List-Straße Friedrich-List-Straße Friedrich-List-Straße Leipziger Straße Heinrich-Mann-Allee Lange Brücke Breite Straße Brauhausberg Leipziger Straße Babelsberger Straße -Tresckow-Straße Henning-von Hoffbauerstraße Dortustraße Yorckstraße Am Alten Markt Burgstraße Dortustraße Babelsberger Straße Friedrich-Engels-Straße Max-Planck-Straße Albert-Einstein-Straße Heinrich-Mann-Allee Friedrich-Engels-Straße Friedrich-Engels-Straße Schlaatzweg Kolonie Daheim Friedhofsgasse Babelsberger Straße Humboldtring Humboldtring Humboldtring Wiesenstraße Lotte-Pulewka-Straße Hans-Marchwitza-Ring Hans-Marchwitza-Ring Lotte-Pulewka-Straße Museum Barberini Das MINSK Freundschaftsinsel Nuthepark Industrie- und 
Potsdam (IHK) Staatskanzlei Land 
Brandenburg Ministerium für Wirtschaft, 
Arbeit und Energie des 


In the immediate vicinity of the WFBB headquarters, the traffic routing at Potsdam's main train station is being extensively reconstructed. Traffic disruptions, some of them considerable, are therefore to be expected. The work at the so-called Leipziger Dreieck is expected to last until 2025.